Gravity's ability to hold together the planet itself, its waters, its biosphere, and other protective mantles, as well as to pull the rain to Earth, thus combines with the photosynthetic capability of the Earth's vast vegetation to harvest solar radiation and store its energies in a manner readily and efficiently convertible into alcohols. The alcohols (four types) constitute the "Grand Central Reservoir" of cosmic-radiation and gravity-generated energy in its most immediately-convertible-into-human-use state -- for instance, as high-octane motor fuels, synthetic rubber, and all other products misnamed "petro-chemical products" by their exploiters, whose petroleum is in reality a time-, pressure-, and heat-produced by-product of alcohol.
Radiation is disintegrating because it is held together only at this end of each of its energy-manifesting vectors. Disintegrating, the vectors can be angularly aimed, ergo focused.

Gravity is inherently integrated as a closed system with no ends, ergo is an inherently closed system having twice the coherence integrity of equally energy-vectored radiation.


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Layout copyleft © 1995 Christopher Rywalt.
Text copyright © 1982 R. Buckminster Fuller.