Humans cannot impound enough energy by sunbathing to keep them
alive and operative. Planet Earth's safe importing of Sun radiation must first
be impoundingly accomplished by vegetation in energy quantities adequate to
supporting not only the vegetation and the humans but all the other myriads of
species of life altogether constituting the regenerative ecologic system. To do
this, the angular fan-out concentration of energy intensity must be
accomplished by attaining adequate distance from the Sun, and thereby to arrive
at protoplasmically tolerable increments of energy exactly sustained for
conversion by botanical photosynthesis into hydrocarbon molecules, which
thereafter can be assimilated metabolically by all other living biological
organisms. This means that the Sun's surface energy radiation must be
transformingly programmed to angularly deconcentrate during its eight-minute,
92-million-mile passage from Sun to Earth to arrive in nonlethal increments and
at nonlethal temperatures.
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Layout copyleft © 1995 Christopher Rywalt.
Text copyright © 1982 R. Buckminster Fuller.