June 2007 Archives

Danny Opening

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You all remember how much I love the work of Danny, otherwise known as Danonymous. I have two pieces of good news in that regard. First, I finally found out what Danny's last name is: It's Scheffer. Second, I found this out because he forwarded along to me the press release for his upcoming solo show.

Yes. Tabla Rasa Gallery in Brooklyn will be presenting The Human Comedy by Daniel Scheffer. In fact, I read through the whole release thinking to myself, hm. I wonder who Daniel Scheffer is. I guess Danny's got a room off his show. I wonder when they'll mention him. Oh well. Is this Scheffer guy any good? Then I looked at the image that had come along with the press release (I can't see images when I view e-mail). Duh. Daniel Scheffer. Danny. Right. I get it.

The opening reception will be at the gallery on Saturday, June 9, 2007, at 2 pm. I'll be there and so will our good friend Pretty Lady. See you there.


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