Going Back Soon


I was thinking today and I realized I'm looking forward to getting back in to the gallery-hopping thing. I miss the tangy smell of fresh latex paint, the heady breath of new art giving off aldehydes, the scribbled mysteries of the guest book, the casual beauty of the gallerinas with their stylish glasses. I miss trying to figure out where to put my empty plastic cup when I'm done drinking from it. I miss screwing my courage to the sticking place so I can go up and talk with people I don't know on subjects I don't know.

I actually really and truly miss all that. It'll be good to start again. Soon! Soon!


Go get 'em Chris!!

I am excited about this season! I think it will be great this yaer. I will be looking for you Chris!

That's great, Jett. If only I had the vaguest idea of who you are!Well, that's not true. I've dug up a fair amount on you thanks to the wonder that is Google. Although I don't think you're the same Jeffrey Moore who makes sculptures out of recycled hot water tanks.I like the small selection of paintings on your site. A little photographic, but good.If you see me, say hello. I don't know if you can recognize me. Here I am 50 pounds lighter. I still pretty much look like this, however.

That sounds cool. Let me know if you need a buddy-hopper. I have never done the gallery thing and usually burn out at 2/3 of one gallery when I do it myself. WOuld love to accompany someone who loves doing that.Sort of like getting art history from a GOOD art historian who loves what they do.

As you can see here, I'm going out on September 7. If you want to meet up, just let me know.

No, wait, duh. Not there, here.

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