More on Danonymous

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After my recap of the salon, I heard from both Stephanie and Danonymous hisownself regarding images of his work. I say work, but it's really play, and you can see that. Not to make light of the effort involved -- play can be hard work, but it's not really work, is it? I've been watching my kids play and it reminded me of when I used to play with Star Wars figures and my friend Brian Kavanaugh from down the street, and I remembered that we almost always spent more time setting up to play than actually playing. But setting up was still playing!

So Stephanie posted a number of photos and messages from Dan on her blog, which I will duly list here in chronological order, because I'm obsessive like that:
Raindrops on the Freeway Wall
Letter from Anonymous D
The Foot Bridge
Immaculate Conception

Dan also sent me some photos of what he's doing right now -- he calls whatever building he's working on his "studio," both in conversation and over e-mail, as in "My studio is 150 feet wide! What a great space!" -- which I'll keep to myself for now, both because they're small (if you squint you can just make out what Dan's putting up) and because I don't want anyone catching him while he's up on a ladder in broad daylight in the middle of the fourth most populous city in the country sticking up shiny pieces of metal. Okay, so it sounds absurd. But still.

I'm starting to think that Danonymous' nom de plume is going to become increasingly inaccurate, as more people post notes on his work and the clues come together. Pretty soon he'll be profiled in the New York Times and he'll have to change his name to Dafamous. Or Dinfamous, if you work for the NYDOT.

Well, Dan, buddy, if you need bail, feel free to call me. I don't have any money but I'll bake a file into a cake.

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HI Chris,You are on the point when you say it is more like play. I do play "very seriously". Almost like playing "cops and robbers" like when we were small kids. There is anticipation, nervousnous, fear, awkwardness and a myriad of emotions befoore I take the first few steps up the ladder. It is totally silly but the half hour before I actually start is laden with all kinds of mental traps like"maybe I should do this another time", "today is not a good day", etc. But it all disappears in a few moments and then I forget that the outside world even exists.MOre and more, I feel an imagined kinship to cavepainters.As for the nom de plume, I was thinking, as you were writing it, that maybe I should legally change to Danonymous. So far, I have seen a lot of personal benefit in not being able to claim any credit.Thanks for your support.

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